Thursday, November 26, 2009

Long Or Short??

I don't know if to have my hair cut as the hairdresser is trying to talk me out of having it in a bob, but i am getting bored of my hair at the minute. All my friends have different opinions and my family do too and say i would regret it. But how do you know if you don't try it!!! And at the min my hair is long and goes quiet far down my back.

Long Or Short??

It sounds boring but if you're that undecided then a cut just below chin length will lighten your look and give your hair much more movement. If reactions are positive (particularly yours) then consider going shorter - and bobs do have many styling options. If reactions are negative, then it won't take too long to grow out again.

Long Or Short??

Its only hair, it will grow back. Do something outrageous and have it cut.

Long Or Short??

Leave it just as it is.

Long Or Short??

no bob! CUT IT 2in below shoulder line! idk wat u lok lik but work 4 me!

Long Or Short??

Hey Hunny_X

I Have Really Long Real Hair Too =]

I Wouldnt Have A Bob As You Cant Do Much With It =[

I Love Having Long Hair Because I Can Do So Much With It

I Remember A Couple Years Back I Had It Cut Shortish And I Regreted It Even Thou My Family/Friends Say It Suits Me Better That Way

I Say Keep It Long......Do What You Really Wont Hun =]

Long Or Short??

long hair is gorgeous, i think..but some people look good with short hair, I just can't pull it off..

Long Or Short??

oh yes, when you have long hair and go short, all you do is want it to be longer again. Theres no pleasing a woman with a hairstyle. Maybe a bob would be too extreme. 6 inches off your hairstyle is usually very noticeable but say 10 inches you'd definitely notice the difference even more, and it will take years to grow it back. Its totally up to you to face the consequences.

Long Or Short??

i cut ten inches off my hair for locks of love and at first i was nervous but i ended up loving it, it was a nice change so i would go for it and if your not happy it will always grow back

Long Or Short??


Long Or Short??

juz do watever u want it to be....

hair will always grow...

Long Or Short??

Surely it depends on the shape and contours of your face. Short hair on one person would look dreadful whereas on another it would look great. You really need advice from a highly qualified and experienced hairdresser. I had a girlfriend that had a very strong, square face with a heavy looking nose; when she had her hair cut short she looked very 'butch' and kept being approached by women of a certain persuasion. She regretted it bitterly and couldn't wait for it to grow. So, get some good advice from someone who knows about such matters.

Long Or Short??


Long Or Short??


Long Or Short??

Long Or Short??

i think you should get it mid-length

thats inbetween

easy to tie up and it will grow back in a short time

just below/on the shouldersget a sweeping side fringe as well they are the most in fashion

take a picture to the hairdresser

Long Or Short??

Hey Babes :]

Well Here Is My Opinion,,,

Last Year My Hair Was Really long and I asked to get it cut into a bob. I cried for about a week. I hated it so much and tied it up for about 4 months until it grew back. I would get it Medium/Long length, So As It is still long and Won't that THAT big of an affect on your whole look. I suggest you get lots of layers and maybe a fringe / differnt parting if a change is what you want :] I alwasy get bored of my hair! But trust me do it the way you think will look better in the long-run. And NEVER let hairdressers talk you into things You aren't sure about.

I think the younger you are , the better longer hair looks on you, Kids, teens and ladies in their 20's look stunning with it , whereas I think women 40 + look better with shorter styles, Just my opinion :]

If you do get the bob, And you dont like it, You can always buy clip in extensions :] Thats what i ended up doing.

+ Also Alot of people hate thei hair when they 1st get it done because it looks so different, I went from blonde to black one day and i hated it at first , but now I love it:]

Good Luck Hun x

Long Or Short??

Well, you can't really do much with a bob, and since you don't know the length to cut it, cut it at a medium length, maybe a few inches below the shoulder, with side swept bangs. It looks very pretty on everyone, and you can do so much with it. Good luck! You can always cut it shorter over time to see if you like it with less length.

Long Or Short??

Ever since i can remember i had long blonde hair down my back. Every couple of months i'd have a trim and tell her, "don't cut too much off" as if my life depended on it!! One day last yr my hairdresser said "would u not get somet different done, cut it or somet?" So out of the blue i told her to do what she wanted on me (within reason!!) So she gave me a bob, one like the pob and everyone loved it!! I'd never let my hair grow out again chicks. It suits my face much better. If you have an oval face i would definately say go for it because an oval face suits any cut. An even if its a COMPLETE disaster, its only hair, it'll grow :0D

Good luck chicks xxx

Long Or Short??

try it short to see which looks best. then if you don't like it grow it back.

Long Or Short??

I think that u shud first have it cut below the shoulders than if u still want it shorter go for the big chop. =] x

Long Or Short??

cut it a little more and do somtin wit it

Long Or Short??

If your hair is long now, and you're used to it being long, it can be quite a shock to suddenly have it all cut off. People say it's only hair, it will grow back, and it will, that is a good attitude... but in the moment, it's hard to let go of how you perceive yourself and the image you have made of yourself in your mind.

If you're happy to cut it, that's all that matters and don't listen to what your family or friends say. I used to have long hair like you, then one day went short for no reason, didn't tell anybody, just went to my hairdresser and got it cut really really short, almost boy short but slightly longer, around my ears. It was so funky and like nothing I had done before so I loved it - really loved it! I rocked up to the next dinner I had scheduled with my friends and the reactions were so varied, I could tell from that experience really who my true friends were and who were just shallow and silly. Some of them loved it genuinely, and some of them didn't love it, but were happy for me cause they could see how much I loved it, and some others were obviously lying and didn't like it, or me anymore for that matter! How about that! But anyway, we all go through different physical phases whether it's our hair changing, or gaining/losing weight or trying new clothing styles etc. There will always be those people who don't like it, but they are not you, you're the one who is wearing it, or living it, you are the only one that needs to be happy about your decisions! If they are not happy for you, then that's their issue and they are probably jealous, either at your beauty or your guts for trying something different! By the way, my hair is longer now, and still different to when it was long before... I think every time you have it cut and then grow it again is a new opportunity to 1) grow healthy new hair and 2) find a new way to wear it long as well. After you get it cut and it grows out, the layers you got cut while it was short can look really good when it starts growing out too! It's just nice to see the changes!

If you are a bit worried that you may not like it though, maybe you can just cut some of it first, like make a plan to go shoulder length, see how you like it, then go shorter from there? But really, why not go for it while you are still young and able to try all these different things? Why not? Your hair does not define who you are as a person, and you will not lose your beauty if you cut it, as some older people (like our parents!) like to tell us, that is old school way of thinking... short hair is very attractive to and just plain fun!

Good luck!! x x

Long Or Short??

have the bob, your hair will always grow back :D

Long Or Short??

i had long hair and realy thought i wanted it into a bob so i had it cut and hated it. it was too extreme and now, a year on, i'm still trying to get it back to how it was.

u'll regret it babe.

i really advise u to get it cut below ur shoulders and have lots of layers and a new colour. that'll look fab babes!

Love Tinks oxox

Long Or Short??

me personally hate cutting long hair short but if that's what you want to do just do it, it can all grow back....

Long Or Short??

well i thought that.

my mum said I'd regret it, and i said its only hair, it'll grow back!

so i had my hair cut into a bob, and that how its been ever since. i didn't regret it.

just go for it. if you don't try how will you ever know.

Long Or Short??


Long Or Short??


I had my hair cut into a inverted bob a couple of weeks ago and used to have long hair like yours down to the middle of my back.

I was getting a bit bored of mine long as well so I plucked up the courage and went for it.

At first I missed my hair but now it's fine :) And besides, it'll always grow back!

I fancied a change so I went for it!

You can see how much I had cut off in some of these pics ....

Oh...and don't let your hairdresser talk to you out of anything. Thats not really their job. Sure, they're there to give you advice and stuff, but not to talk you out of something. No-one except you can decide what you want to do with your hair.

Hope this helps :)


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