Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is this normal or what?

"So what do you want to do honey?" Nancy asked. We were in her car. "I dont know." I said back. "How about target?" She asked. "No, I dont want to." I told her. "How about dairy queen?" She asked hopefully. "Sure." I replied. Nancy did her everyday-usually-hairpuff. She is constantly checking her hair in the car all the time. She is obsessed with looking good just like Im obsessed with getting sick. We have a lot in common. "So what do you think, honey?" She asked. "Its good." I complimented her. "That's good. She always took me out like once a week. We usually watch movies together, have coffee parties, go to her house and go shopping. I had known her for years. She was such a good friend to me! I looked up to her so much. "So how old are you?" I asked. "Im 56." She answered. "Wow, you only look like 40." I told her. She immediatley started laughing really hard. I smiled knowing that she loved me for saying that. That's what made it so funny. But she really does look young I think. Then we continued to drive. Once we arrived at dairy queen, we quickly hopped out of the car. We glanced at the menu and decided what we wanted to order. This lady named Crystal asked us what we wanted. "Hi guys, My name is Crystal. How may I help you?" She asked politley. " I will get a vanilla ice cream cone please." Nancy told her. Then she asked me what I wanted. "I will get a chocolate ice cream cone please." I ordered. I had learned my good manners from Nancy. She always helped straighten me out. I loved her like a mom and I admired her so much. Then Crystal gave us our cones after five minutes which seemed like forever. We quickly gobbled down our ice cream and wrapped it up. We threw our cones away and jumped into the car. We were on our way to Nancy's house. I loved her house so much. Then we started to hit the road. "So what have you been up to lately honey?" Nancy asked. I loved it when she called me honey. It made me feel special. That's when the questions began. "Not too much." I answered. "Yeah well not too much either sweets." Nancy said as she rummaged through her purse. I started to wonder what she was looking for. Then Nancy's phone rang. She dropped her purse and immediatley answered her urgent call waiting. " Hello." Nancy said. She winked at me. She always does that to me when she is on the phone. I could tell that she didn't want to keep me waiting. "Oh really?" She said all worried. She hung up the phone and started crying. I had never seen Nancy cry before. That's when I got alittle worried. "What's wrong?" I asked all concerned. "My aunt just died." She cried. I dropped my jaw in shock. "But how?" I thought. It was too bad to be true. I just sat there. I had no clue what to say. Afew moments later of awkward silence, Nancy started hugging me. "Oh Alyssa! I love you so much!" She said crying as she started hugging me. I hugged her back. I couldn't beleive what just happened. I was so shocked. Nancy was spending a lot of time on the phone and she was different. The next thing I knew, we were both crying together and cuddling. She let go of me and stared at me for a few seconds. I wondered what she was going to say. "Now you be a good girl." She warned. "I will." I said nodding. I completely understood how she felt at a time like this. This was the first time I had ever seen her in a crisis like this. I was worried about her. We got out of her car and walked into her house. We were having fun already. We always have a blast together. "Can I go visit the bird?" I asked. "Sure." Nancy said. I walked over to the birds cage. The birds name was Linday and it was a girl. It was an african grey parrot. "Hi Lindy!" I shreeked. Lindy started puffing up her feathers. Her pupils got really big. I could tell that the bird was alittle mad. It does that. I immediatley started to mess with the bird. I knew better than to be doing that!" I put my face up to the bird. i wanted to get a closer look at the bird because it was so cute. I just wanted to squeeze it so hard. Lindy started to bob her head up and down real fast. She was spitting out her sead all over the floor. Luckily, Nancy was near by when this happened. She knew how to stop Lindy when she is acting up. "No Lindy! You stop it!" Nancy scolded. The bird just froze up. I laughed. Lindy always acted goofy when people messed with her or scolded her. That is what made it funny. "Come on, honey." Nancy said as she motioned me to come over into the kitchen with her. "Can I just have five more minutes with Lindy?" I begged. "No. You have had enough of that bird. You spend time with me now." She demanded. "Alrite." I agreed. I walked over into the kitchen and sat down at the table with Nancy. We talked for a bit. I showed her my myspace. She thought it was really cool. I even showed her my moms! Then we ate some chocolate cake after being on her laptop. "Do you want some cake?" Nancy asked. "What kind is it?" I wondered. I hated cake with nuts. Nancy usually bakes that kind of cake. "Its chocolate." She answered. "Sure." I said back. She gave me some cake and set it on the kitchen table. The cake piece she gave me was so big. It even had a candle on it for decoration. "Thank you." I said smiling. "Your welcome, honey." Nancy said as she sat down at the table with me. I told her about the sand dunes that me and dylan go to like all the time. "Dylan and I went 4wheeling at the sand dunes." I told her. She was eating cake also. Nancy gave me a "Your so cute." look. I smiled. I knew that look. I was already getting full when i dreaded the last bite of cake to my mouth. I just stopped eating. Then Nancy noticed that I was finished. "Do you want some more cake, honey?" She asked. "No Im too full." I said sighing. "You eat like a bird. You need to fatten up and gain some weight." Nancy said. She was always telling me how skinny I was and how I need to gain weight. I hear that from everybody. "Okay well i better bring you home, honey." Nancy suggested. "Come on, five more minutes." I begged. "Alrite." Nancy finally caved in. I smiled knowing that I could prolly stay for another hour. I started to mess with the bird. I gave her a bath by spraying her with the spray bottle. At the end of the session, Lindy was soaked with water and dripping. I noticed that I overdone it. I stopped spraying the bird. Lindy was already drenched in water. I blowed on the bird to dry her off. She didn't like that. So I stopped. When she doesn't like something, she bobs her head up and down real fast. Then Nancy snapped her fingers and ordered me to come into the kitchen. "Alyssa Zuber!" She yelled. She did that because she knew it made me laugh. I just snapped back at her to mock her. "Okay, Im coming." I said. Her house was so big. It took forever to get from the birds cage to Nancy's kitchen. When i went to the table, she had some more cake that stood infront of me. The food nauseated me. "Oh come on." I said annoyed as I rolled my eyes. I was so full from the big piece she gave me earlier. She just put it back into the fridge. Then she walked over to the birds cage and she noticed there was a big mess all over the floor. It was the birds food that she was spitting out. Nancy had a shocked look on her face. I could tell she was about to snap. Just kidding. She was completely fine with it. She puffed her hair again trying to fix it up. There was a mirror on the birds cage that she could look into. One of her sides was really messy. It was really windy that day. So her hair didnt look too good. Nancy just rolled her eyes and stopped messing with her hair at a time like this. She shook her head at Lindy in dissapointment. Nancy bent down and started to clean up the bird food as she scrapped it up into her hands. I offered to help her with it. I am always willing to lend a hand when it comes to cleaning things up. I really didn't mind much. "Thanks, honey." She said. "Oh my back is killing me." Nancy groaned as she stood up. "Oh that sucks." I said feeling so bad for her. "Im really hot and my back is aching really bad. I think I better go lie down." Nancy suggested as she walked over to the couch and layed down. She was reading a newspaper about a boy who was murdered in Duluth. She always liked to read sad stories like that. Her favorite thing to do was read. Time went on. It went by way too fast. I was having so much fun already. It was already 7:00. I knew Nancy would be asking me to leave soon. We talked for about 20 minutes. Then we started to get ready to hit the road. "Im going to bring you home, honey." Nancy said. "Five more minutes?" I asked hopefully. I hoped with all of my heart she would cave in one more time and let me stay just alittle bit longer. "Well you can't stay here forever. I got to bring you home sometime." She told me. We got ready. "Bye Lindy." I said. I was hoping for her to say goodbye back. But there was nothing. "Oh well." I told myself. "Maybe next time." I thought. I was going to miss Lindy! I loved that bird! She was so cute! I really didnt want to leave Nancy's house. It was so fun. We always had fun together. It was such a bummer knowing that I had to leave after all of the fun we had. I put on my shoes and I went out to her car. She hopped in also and it was a long drive. The car drive lasted almost 20 minutes. We arrived at my house and I had to say goodbye to Nancy. "Alrite bye honey. I love you" Nancy said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "See ya. I love you too." I said as I left her car and walked into my house. I knew that Nancy and I were going to be the bestest friends forever. I loved her to death!!!

Is this normal or what?

Is the answer 5?

Is this normal or what?

that's way too long

Is this normal or what?

did I miss the punch line?

Is this normal or what?

This one - at band camp ...

Is this normal or what?

WTF ??????????

Is this normal or what?

oh come on milk it for all its worth

Is this normal or what?

that was way too long............................WTF

Keeping up a hairstyle?

im a low maintainence person. i recently dyed my hair dark red and got it cut into a short bob-thing. but everyday i just kind of take a shower and let it be. the stylist who cut it did all this stuff to it: blow-dry, straighten, gel, mousse, etc. i want it to keep looking cute, but without spending an hour or more on it. please help! any style ideas? i have a flat iron, a blow dryer, some volumizing gels, and a curl-holder gel. anything you recommend that would help me acheive a messy, stylish look? or just a cute going-out look?

Keeping up a hairstyle?

get a good gel i like tigi bed head products. another thing that you might like is pomade all you do is make it as strong as you want with water and put it on your hair, then mess it up, it works and even though it looks messy that's the point very very very stylish.

Keeping up a hairstyle?

i agree with casey. also, just straighten it whenever. happy blessed new year!!

Keeping up a hairstyle?

After shampoo and conditioning, put a dab of frizz control serum (Biosilk silk therapy) in your hair. Blow-dry your hair smooth with a large round brush. Touch up with iron, and finish off with a dab more serum. Your hair should be smooth and easy to care for but still look great.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

ok i need help guys i mean, i know that the hair grows like 1/2 an inch per month, and look at my avatar, thats how short i have my hair, just an inch! and im a girl!! its so comfortable lol, but after a year i now want to grow it, any tips to avoid the hair torture process? cuz in the next few months its like gonna pass like half my face and im gona look like the beatles in the 60s!!! but i wanna grow it, a nice bob hairstyle is nice, like near the neck. its gonna b a while. wat should i do?!

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

Growing your hair:

- Drink plenty of water! 64oz minimum a day, and when it is warmer than that outside you drink one more ounce per degree. Nothing on the body regenerates (including your hair!) like it should without enough water!

- There are keratin and other mineral/vitamin supplements formulated specifically for hair and nail growth. A wide variety, though I've never had to take these myself, I know a few women that have with much success. They should be in your pharmacy section of your local department stores!

- Daily multi-vitamin (as an adult, you need them anyway)

- Do not brush your hair right after exiting the shower, your hair is more likely to break off!! Use a wide-toothed comb if you must. =)

- Any coloring, blow drying, or intense styling is going to make your hair brittle and break off....and if your hair isnt healthy even when it grows it'll be breaking off so fast you won't notice it.

- MASSAGE YOUR HEAD EVERY TIME YOU SHOWER, and try to make this part of your day (maybe relaxing...get a bf or gf to do it!). Massaging stimulates the hair folicles by bringing more blood to the area, feeding the cells. I've also seen vibrating hair brushes for this purpose but that seemed like a waste of money to me. Stick to good ole' fingers.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

Try hair extensions.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

Scrunch it..... in other words, mess it up on purpose.

Try using one of those wire comb looking headbands; they stay in well and are great for holding back bangs that won't leave you alone.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

Eat a lot of jello/gelatin, because it is made out of bone marrow, and contains keratin, which is what your hair and nails are made out of, it will help it grow much faster. Also, use Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner for horses. It strengthens hair and helps it grow.

And to deal with it while it goes through the unattractive growing out stage, use a ton of clippies, or purchase a wig or two.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

Make sure you take your vitamins daily, ever notice how fast a pregnant women's hair and nails grow? Avoiding using chemicals, this causes breakage. Buy some hair clips and use them to pin up annoying fly aways. Take a picture to your hairstylist of what you want your hair to look like. They should be able to help you cope with the growing out blues.

Growing LONG HAIR from SHORT HAIR, help?

buy some shampoo that helps ure hair grow faster good luck

What are some?

good hair cuts for some hairloss/thinning. im thinking about a inverted bob. but im not sure, i need somethin cute

What are some?

the inverted bob will be a good haircut, the only problem is that it will lead to a lot of straightening and burning (unless your hair is naturally straight), which will lead to more hairloss. if your hair isn't naturally straight or manageable without burning it, then try to cut a few inches off and treat it until it gets back to normal. then try the bob.

sorry if this didn't answer your question, i've a feeling it didn't.

What are some?

smarts AL-ways smart.

your parity Nessa is there don't worry

'u' r AL-ways cute.

be fore this i suggested fallow that.

Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?

I have really dark brown hair, almost black. Wavy hair. My hair can change into different forms anytime they want. Not to say they're magical , but it cant be totally straight, or totally curly. If you get what i mean.. Currently, my hair is quite long. I made a mistake having bangs, but it's long enough to have another hairstyle. I heard layered bob would look nice on an oval face. But i dislike bobs, or any short hairstyles.

Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?

The first place to explore is http://www.the411onhair.com/facial-shape... and then after you've done your reading there then take a look around at the styles before disqualifying so many lol... liking a style isn't enough.. it's got to work with your face. Hope that helps.

Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?

You're very lucky. An oval face can get away with any haircut. Now just find one you like. Have fun!

Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?

Well, the blunt bangs (aka asian bangs) work really nicely on oval faces because of the usual high forehead and perhaps some long layers.


Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?

I have an oval-shaped face and long, wavy, dark brown hair, too. I have my hair cut in long layers.

You could try asking a hairdresser what cut they think would look good on you.

Good luck!

Any suggestion haircuts for an oval-faced with wavy hair?


Your perfect hairstyle:

you lucky thing- any style will look good on you.....

璺?If you have long, thick, curly hair, ask your hairdresser to cut it so the curls are looser, to take the thickness out. Then sweep the top part back for a soft, flirty romantic look. Hair not so long? A short, messy style is ideal - give it shine with a serum (Cosmo Hair loves L'Oreal Studio Line Hyper Charged Pumping curls, 鎷?.99). Want to get rid of your curls? Chop them out with a short, messy crop.

閳?Fine Hair? If you'd like it long, ask your stylist for soft layers throughout. It's the best way to add volume - and sex appeal. If you want to go super short, you're in luck. Your hair texture and face shape is ideal to carry off one of the catwalk's favourite styles.

閳?Medium-textures hair? Try a flirty, flicky razor cut - for inspiration, see Trish Goff閳?she cuts her own! Too edgy? A short bob longer at the sides and shorter at the back would look wonderful.

閳?Fringe options: If you have thick hair, you could go for a sexy short fringe or one that's long and blunt. For fine hair, a long wispy fringe is for you.

閳?Colour you sexy: Ask your stylist about low lighting the hair around your face to accentuate your oval shape.


Covering up your "perfect" features with heavy bangs, or too forward-directed styles.

In wearing your hair style on your face, you'll lose your face shape behind the hair. It may appear to add weight to your face.

Other Oval face celebrities include:

Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Mariah Carey, Cindy Crawford, Heather Locklear, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, Julia Roberts, Courtney Cox Arquette, Elle MacPherson, Tyra Banks.

Trying to find pictures of bob hairstyles?

i am trying to find pictures and information of medium or bob hairstyles, just so i can see if it will suit my face shape and so i can show my hairdresser a picture of what i want cut. I

Also, while your answering this question, if you do...do you think i should grow my hair or cut my hair? im so confused about what to do! I have people telling me i should and shouldn't. Theres cons and pros about cutting it and not cutting it. ???

Trying to find pictures of bob hairstyles?

go to beautyriot.com and as to cutting or not if you are ready for a fun change then cut it. but if you dont want to change it too much maybe you could try styling it differently like curling or something

Trying to find pictures of bob hairstyles?

you can go to this website


Trying to find pictures of bob hairstyles?


Directions to a place in Atlanta.....?

Good afternoon all,

I am going to be attending a convention at the end of the month in Atlanta. I was looking to get my hair cut and someone mentioned a great place called the Bob Steele Salon-the address is 4403 Northside Parkway. I will be flying into the city early and will probably get in around 11 a.m.-since I'll be relying on MARTA, does anyone know if this address is accessible either via the subway or any other form of mass transit? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Directions to a place in Atlanta.....?

that address on Northside is NOT accessible by Marta. it is on the northwest side of the Atlanta close to Cumberland Mall and some IBM facilities. the Marta train unfortunately does not have a northwest line that goes towards Marietta (which is a big problem IMO).

if you MUST go to this salon and you don't rent a car, I suggest taking a taxi or car service to the address.

from the airport, the driver should not take you thru downtown but use I-285 from the airport to the Cobb Pkwy exit, which takes about 20 minutes and avoids the downtown traffic. Drive south on Cobb Pkwy a couple miles and it turns into Northside Pkwy.

from downtown, take I-75 north for about 3-4 exits to Cumberland Pkwy. Turn left on Cumberland, turn left on Nothside Pkwy.

if you are not staying in a hotel close to the northwest side, I say get a haircut closer to you.

Directions to a place in Atlanta.....?

Marta will get you close to the salo, but I'm not sure how close.

Try utilizing Marta's maps and train routes. Compare that with using Yahoo Maps, enter the address to the salon as the destination.

Since you don't live in atlanta use a local address as the start such as the hartsfield-jackson airport.

You should be taking "Route 12" on Marta to Northside Parkway.

Directions to a place in Atlanta.....?

Yea that 1st answer is great because I wasnt even sure what city Northside Pkwy is in... if anything you can always catch a cab when you get off the train there are usually tons of em out in the front of the station and the drivers are usually good around the city
